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April Social Media Content Ideas

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Spring is in full swing giving you plenty of great opportunities for interesting social media posts (even if we are all quarantined). If you’re looking April marketing ideas—in particular, April Facebook posts, look no further. Let’s get right to it!

The Masters

April 6 through 12 – Unfortunately, The Masters has been postponed this year, but that shouldn't stop us from sharing in the tradition of this historic event and great priced (and simple) foods! Offer to-go orders for lunch with things like pimento cheese sandwiches or grilled chicken sandwich, maybe even the iconic ice-cream sandwich (or recipes for customers to make them on their own, at home).

National Siblings Day

April 10 – Celebrate the bond of siblinghood by inviting brothers and sisters into your shop for a sibling date! Think about running a two for one promotion or snapping pics of all the siblings that come to your shop and posting to social!

National Grilled Cheese Day

April 12 – Holidays that celebrate our favorite foods get quite a bit of social media clout since food is something we all can bond over. For #nationalgrilledcheeseday think about to-go orders for lunch and snapping a photo of your cheesy dish or take the opportunity to cross-promote with another local business.

Tax Day Moved to July 15th!

As the deadline for filing your taxes is looming, try to make light of it! Perhaps you post useful tips for tax season or if you’re lucky enough to have a product or service that coincides with the almighty dollar, use it to your advantage!

Get to Know Your Customer Day

April 16 – Get to Know Your Customer Day is a great opportunity for interacting with your customers. Post questions on Facebook that engage them in a conversation. Ask for their opinions to help improve your services, what they like about your business, etc.

Air Five Day (stay 6 feet away please)

April 16 – High Five Day We'll call this Air-Five Day this year, leaves a lot of room for some good clean fun. We love the idea of asking customers to high five your staff for photo ops to post on social that they’re likely to share if you ask their permission to tag them. Up your Facebook following by inviting customers to tag people they’d like to give a virtual air-five.

Or give your own virtual air-five as a thank you or special shout out to customers, vendors or even a cause you support.

If you’re up for it, think about running a promo that coincides with the number five…it doesn’t all have to be about a literal high five!

Denim Day

April 29 – Denim Day is associated with one of the causes for the month of April, Sexual Assault Awareness. Take a break from self-promotion and educate your followers on the history of the holiday.

Or show your support for victims of sexual assault by asking employees to wear denim to work on this day.

Prom Season

Speaking of the awareness causes for this month… It would have been Prom Season! Virtually every type of business can figure out a post to tap into the prom season frenzy. Getting customers to share their past prom photos seems appropriate for this year!

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Show your support for National Child Abuse Prevention Month by posting a blue pinwheel gif which is the national symbol for the cause.

Or plant a pinwheel garden at your place of business and share it with your followers in hopes of raising awareness.

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