A Strategic Approach to Membership Growth When Re-Opening Your Club after COVID-19

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10 Tips to Gain Members during your Club Re-Opening

Make no mistake: The world of private clubs will never be the same again. Just as 9/11 changed how the world flys, the COVID -19 pandemic will change how members enjoy their leisure time. These changes will extend to how individuals commute, enter your club, interact with others, manage tasks, and more. In a post COVID-19 world, private clubs not only have to be safe, it has to be “clean and assured.”

We have identified ten broad topics that clubs and other organizations can use to grow their membership and usage as they re-open for business:

  1. Take Advantage of the Itch

Everyone is itching to get out and golf. Now more than ever your members will be out taking advantage of the beautiful weather and the ability to golf at their club. They will be more inclined to bring their friends who do not have a club to go to on their own. This is a perfect opportunity to interact and gather information of the potential member(s).

  1. Communicate to your Neighbors

It is a good time to reach out to your neighbors. Your external outreach to those who reside around the club that you may have had paused since March should be back up and in full force. Now is the best time to let them know why being a part of your club is the best choice for them and their family.

  1. Pull out from the archives – Member Referral Plan

Have a membership referral plan that is your ACE? Now is the time to use it! Your members miss their friends and family who are most always their golfing buddies. Use it to your advantage!

  1. Engage with the Membership

Remind your members why they love their course so much. Do something a little extra to show them you miss them just as much; nothing says that better than a complimentary transfusion station at the turn!

  1. Internal Communications

It is vital to stay connected to your members and let them know your revised plans for “golfing with precaution”. If they know what to expect before they get to the course there will be less confusion and unhappy members in the golf shop.

  1. A United Message

Come together as a team and create the message that you want to portray to the membership. This is where upbeat optimism is needed. Remember as a club you want to be the place your members go to escape reality “pandemic” don’t make it the topic of conversation.

  1. Operations Plan

Although you may be running on a tightened budget or not have as many staff members as you normally would; come up with a strategic plan to make sure there are no holes in your operations.

  1. Retention

Believe it or not, how you react in these next couple months are going to directly affect your retention rates. Anything you do to enhance the member experience during this time will be talked about for years to come… so will what you don’t do as well!

  1. Follow The Golf & Heath Project, supported by the World Golf Foundation safety guidelines for Clubs and players:

Coronavirus [COVID-19] Update | Golf & Health

Message to Golf Clubs and Management

·    Organize online booking to reduce congregation around the Clubhouse

·    Allow shoes to be changed in the car park

·    Follow general hygiene advice and e.g. make hand sanitizers available in the clubhouse

·    Golf buggies should be used by single individuals and cleaned afterwards

·    Take drinking fonts and ball cleaners out of play.

·    Close air pressure cleaners for cleaning shoes following the round

  1. Smile

Be the light in their day. They are doing something they love and have been longing to do. Make sure to enhance their experience as much as possible. Everyone is going through a tough time right now. Be the smile that makes a difference to your membership!


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