Content Marketing for Private Clubs

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Content Marketing for Private Clubs: Why Private Clubs Must Resort to Creating Content Like Media Companies

Creating compelling content that engages and entertains consumers has stayed a top priority for businesses for years. That’s why every business, including private clubs, must treat their brand like a media firm and develop interesting content that keeps consumers engaged. But with tastes and trends constantly changing, it can be difficult to determine the definition of content. This is a key question for clubs and hotels, which use valuable time and resources to create the kinds of content that can retain current customers and reach prospective guests. shared why hotel brands should create content that captures consumers’ attention; we’ve edited to be club specific.

Arriving at Content for Millennials, Mobile Users, and Modern Members

Today, content is viewed as a means to connections. It’s all about helping consumers feel connected to a brand, a lifestyle, a status, and other like-minded members. It’s about expressing the ways a brand reflects a member’s interests and views through its offerings, experiences, value, and convenience. And now more than ever, all of a club’s content must be designed to connect on both broad and personal levels.

But with so many forms of content competing for people’s attention, how can a club make its content stand out? By developing content marketing, that’s engaging and entertaining.

Some club management companies like ClubCorp are achieving these goals through traditional media like Private Clubs Magazine filled with interesting articles. And Marriott International is opting to use new media sources, such as its Digital Content Studio filled with feature films, along with Snapchat campaigns and blogs.

Keys to Developing Content Marketing for Private Clubs Like a Media Company

Media companies know that content must be compelling, continual, and consistent to connect with consumers. All this takes is creativity and surprisingly little expense or effort. The best content comes across as authentic and natural, so try to film on the property and convey the experience at each destination. Consider these savvy sources of content for your hospitality marketing:

•   Post candid club snapshots on Instagram.

•   Produce “insider” videos of club operations, with mobile devices.

•   Film interviews with staff members who can offer great golf, dining, wine, etiquette or fashion tips.

•   List must-attend events recommended menu items or cocktails to attract and inform your members and prospects.

•   Livestream live entertainment and events using Periscope or Facebook Live.

•   Profile each hotel department to offer behind-the-scenes secrets.

•   Spotlight favorite staff members to make them familiar to members.

•   Ask followers for feedback on the kinds of content they want to see.

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