Private Club Marketing CEO Zack Bates Named to 25 Most Influential People in Luxury Digital to Follow

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Since Verb Brands curated their last installment of the leading luxury influencers in 2015, the world of digital marketing has been revolutionized again. Luxury brands are now starting to catch up with the rest of the industry and deliver incredible, immersive and customer-focused digital experiences. 2017 was been led by some incredible brands and some incredible people behind those brands including Digital Director at Soho House & Co Kris Shaw, Jeremy Langmead the Brand & Content Director at Mr Porter, Tiffany Dowd founder of Luxe Social Mediaand Anna Nash Head of Global PR and Communications at Aman Resorts. Here is Verb Brands' list of the 25 most influential leaders in the current luxury digital world, rounded out by Private Club Marketing's CEO Zack Bates.

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